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Guidelines on Academic Writing for Diligent Students

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Sometimes students find it very difficult to understand what a thesis is. They often look for the meaning of this word on the Internet trying to figure out how to write thesis papers. The current article will help students make thesis writing an understandable and interesting activity.

What does “ Thesis” Mean?

There is another word for a thesis and it is a dissertation. It is a long paper containing a statement, which has to be proved. It is mostly written by students aimed at receiving a college degree. In order to achieve success in the writing process, the following steps should be taken:

One of the most important questions in the process of writing is the structure.

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If you write a thesis, you should consider such points as a title, abstract, contents, introduction, main body (including a discussion, methods and results), conclusion and recommendations, a reference list and appendices.

The first page of the thesis is called a title page. It contains the main information regarding the student: his name and department, the name of his mentor, delivery date and the name of the thesis itself. Nothing else is needed on this page.

The second part is an abstract.

The abstract is, to some point, an introductory part of the paper. It does not have to be very long (approximately 400 words or less) and it should answer the main question. Fox example, what and why you did in the paper, how you did it, what the result was and why this thesis is important. This information will be sufficient for a reader to understand the main point of the paper.

The table of contents is the next part of a thesis. It contains the list of all chapters, headings, subheadings and page numbers.

The example of a table of contents may be as follows:




  • Subheadings…………………………….

Discussion ……………………………………….

  • Subheadings……………………………..





A table of contents is followed by an introduction.

This part of a paper is created not only for a thesis. Every paper should contain an introduction. The introduction is a very important part as it forms the first opinion about the whole paper. It should not be too long. It has to contain interesting information about the matter under consideration. The most interesting fact about an introduction is that it can be written after the paper is finished.

The introduction should contain the information on reasons why you write the thesis and what your aim is. It should also contain a thesis statement and give a notion of the information used in the paper.

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In the chapter called Methods different tools which are used for collecting data are described. Methods can be different, including the primary ones. The most important thing is that the methods must be reliable and valid.

Results of the research indicate whether the research itself was successful or not. Anyway, the results do not have to be discussed in this chapter. It is better to present them in a form of statements and the rest of information should be left to the Discussion section.

The Discussion section gives a detailed analysis of the results of the research. In this chapter, the writer should give a summary of the previous section and interpret the results appropriately.

One of the final chapters is a Conclusion. This section is very important as it sums up the final results. This chapter should be composed in such a way that a reader could stay interested in a paper long after it has been read. The stronger your conclusion is the better the thesis will be.

The Recommendations section should contain the ideas of the writer regarding the paper and its topic.

The next chapter is Acknowledgements. It contains the information about all the people who assisted the writer in the process of paper writing.

The last page is References. All the sources used by the writer in the process of work should be indicated in this section.

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Get Professional Help Online

If writers take into consideration all the above-given information, it will be much easier for them to cope with their task – thesis writing. However, if you still find thesis writing too difficult, there is always a place where you can ask for professional assistance. Here is one of such places! offers its customers high quality assistance in writing any kind of papers, including theses. Our expert writers always strictly follow the above-mentioned structure and produce papers which satisfy the needs of any customer.

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