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Adverse Impact of Chocolate

Free «Adverse Impact of Chocolate» Essay Sample

Despite the fact that the mass media discusses only the benefits of chocolate consumption, further research is required before a person starts overindulging in this treat. The product contains a significant amount of such components as cream, sugar, and butter that can easily break one’s diet and undermine health. It is not wrong if an individual consumes a piece of chocolate to alleviate his/her stress or increase mood. However, excessive consumption can generate adverse health effects. Chocolate and other refined sweets, for example, a piece of cake, contain almost no vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They are high-caloric, and, therefore, nutritionists and other health specialists describe this product as calorie bombs. Its frequent consumption leads to overweight, enhances appetite and, ultimately, leads to the deterioration of health and the spread of diseases. The current paper seeks to explore negative sides of chocolate consumption and provide arguments that persuade people to quit eating this famous sweet dessert excessively due to numerous adverse effects it can cause.

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Chocolate is the main component of the most delicious treats, namely cheesecakes, brownies, tarts, cookies, and cupcakes. Many individuals, particularly females, think that eating chocolate makes them fat and unhealthy, and they quit consuming it. In most cases, a tasty and high-calorie product brings about adverse effects on the human health (Messerli et al., 2012). Although chocolate has some health benefits, it is not always useful. Therefore, consumers of this sweet delicacy must be careful not to abuse this product if they suffer from allergic diseases.

A wide variety of products, including cocoa, wheat, nuts, included in the chocolate bars and candies, can cause allergy. Milk chocolate adversely affects individuals, who are allergic to lactose, and sensitive to caffeine and cocoa. Therefore, these consumers are highly recommended to read information concerning product’s composition. Slow digestion, migraine, and allergic skin reactions occur in every person, who consumes this sweet dessert excessively.

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Due to its negative side effects, chocolate is not recommended to consume in large quantities, because it is made from cocoa beans with the addition of harmful ingredients such as oxalates, stearic acid, tyramine, saturated fats, corn syrup, and caffeine. Manufacturers add a large amount of sugar and milk that makes the product fatter and gives a gentle creamy taste. There are also such additives as flavors, colorants, and roasted nuts. Despite the energy that sugar may bring, it is one of the harmful ingredients that manufacturers add to chocolate in a large amount. Therefore, the use of this product in large quantities can lead to obesity, heart issues, and destroy tooth enamel making it difficult to get rid of dental caries with just a toothbrush.

Nutritionists, pediatricians, and parents have to tell children about adverse effects of excessive chocolate consumption that may not be aware of them due to their early age. Cocoa beans contain chemical compound theobromine, which is similar to caffeine in its properties. Therefore, the use of chocolate in the evening can cause insomnia and increased irritability (Macht & Mueller, 2007). People often eat more than one slice of this sweet treat without thinking about dire consequences to health and well-being. Moreover, scientists have found out that the consumption of any products containing chocolate can cause addiction.

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Individuals, who suffer from stomachache, should quit eating chocolate due to vegetable fats and flavors, which irritate the stomach walls. In order to digest this treat, gastric juice is produced. It increases the acidity of the stomach and provokes pain, burning and discomfort in the one. People should take care of their health and reconsider their eating preferences.

Since children have a lower body weight and some unique features of metabolism, even a small amount of cocoa can bear hazards to their health. However, young people continue to drink cocoa and hot chocolate with milk. Cholesterol and fat in milk can cause health problems. Moreover, the high-protein content of this product may result in the loss of bone calcium. Parents are encouraged not to give chocolate to their children, because their bodies are weaker, and they can quickly develop dependency on this sweet dessert (Poli, Conti, & Visioli, 2012). Moreover, pregnant females should not eat chocolate because it contains tannin that causes headaches.

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Chocolate is grown in exotic countries, and, therefore, when processing, various insects get into it. In the course of time, they may cause allergic reactions in consumers. Individuals have to be aware of the fact that this product contains lead and copper that may provoke tumors and osteoporosis. People can freely replace chocolate with other products without harm to health. Therefore, it is vital to think carefully about whether to eat this sweet dessert.

Nowadays, the market is full of various sweet treats that attract consumers. The representatives of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration do not regard white chocolate as chocolate due to the lack of cocoa and a significant amount of sugar (Forster, n.d.). In comparison with milk chocolate, dark one contains more caffeine. It may negatively affect one’s health causing anxiety, hypertension, insomnia, dehydration, and the inability to concentrate (Fisk, 2014). Today, many studies are dedicated to the issue of excessive chocolate consumption. Since companies have funded most of the projects, the content of publications can be regarded as biased. No one will publish small studies that demonstrate a poor outcome.

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The current paper has deeply explored the negative effects of chocolate and provided arguments that should persuade people to reconsider their diet. The product can impact person’s health positively if he/she consumes it moderately. However, individuals are not always willing to reduce the consumption of sweet treats. Therefore, people, particularly those who adore chocolate, need to reconsider their eating preferences. There is also a great need to control the food industry. Every individual is encouraged to quit consuming chocolate excessively due to its negative side effects and caloric content.

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