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Category: Business

Economic Analysis: Haier Group Corporation
While many Chinese companies have folded their operations due to an array of factors, some have determined to expand internationally. Haier Group Corporation is...
Marketing Plan: The SUE Foundation
Situational Analysis PEST Analysis Political The political environment in which the SUE Foundation operates influences its performance and productivity. Be...
Creative Brief for Hot Tub Boats Company
Background Hot Tub Boats is a company that avails hot tub boats either for purchase or for renting in the US. The company has coordinated with United States Co...
Social Performance of Organizations
Strict adherence to corporate social responsibility initiates effective relations between businesses and society. The engagement between the two parties is esta...
Product and General Staffing Plan
Introduction The Mitgant Company is seeking for making an entry into the business of event planning. When an organization comes into operation, it needs to eng...
Financial Research Project – Amazon
The report provides the financial analysis for Amazon, Inc. with regard to opportunities the company presents to investors in the long term prospective. As the ...
Unified Communications Business Proposal
Introduction It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the fact that modern business depends on a factor of communication. It is evident regarding the fa...
Impact of Social Media on Starbucks Consumer Behavior
Introduction Consumer behavior is a phrase that is used to refer to the process through which an organization studies its customers and establishes important f...
International Business: Questions and Answers
Question 1 The Regional Economic Integration theory is built on the need for governments within a given region to congregate and allow free trade with other me...
Southwest Carrier
Introduction The airline industry in the United States is highly competitive as there are many carriers that compete for the travel market there. For airlines ...
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