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Creative Brief for Hot Tub Boats Company

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Hot Tub Boats is a company that avails hot tub boats either for purchase or for renting in the US. The company has coordinated with United States Coast Guards to ensure that they provide quality service of boat selling and renting. The customers have the freedom and the flexibility to book their boats or rent them online or they can get there in person and rent out a hot tub boat. One of the main strengths of this company is that it is 24hours operative (Hot Tub Boats company, n.d.). In order to capture customers who do not want to come directly to make reservations, the company has developed on-line reservation system. The customers are allowed to steer the boat themselves and thus have the freedom to propel wherever they like on condition they are above the age of 18. The Hot Tub Boat Company tries to ensure that people enjoy their weekends and free time to their fullest and their joy is to see their customers happy and comfortable. The major weakness that this company faces is insufficient profit to employ more people to attend to increasing number of customers. The opportunities that exist for Hot Tub Boats company is high number of tourists that are visiting that region after United States Coast Guards categorized this company as the one having the best quality boats which are safe last year and recommended the tourists from abroad to use their boats on their website. The major threat they face is increasing entry of new companies in the market rendering the same services as they do. This means they will have to use extra money to ensure they attract and keep their customers.

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The company values comfort of their customers and that is what they concentrate on, ensuring customers are comfortable using their boats. The company brand stands for quality. Their main objective is provision of quality services. The company’s technology is highly advanced. They have a system, which enables customers to book boats from every part of the world. This software enables customer to know the types of boats available and how many boats have already been booked. The company has engaged in carrying research about their customer and quality of boats in the market and they have developed many reports which can be easily accessed.

In order to maintain great respect and uphold the culture of the American people who are their main customers, the company has brought in place a regulation that restricts people from exposing their nudity as the company also render services to families with children of different ages. It also has a slogan that “liquor and hot tub boats do not mix”. Although not related to social responsibility directly, indirectly, this ensures that they are not held responsible in cases of dealing with children being involved in alcohol intake. Even with considerable success in their business, Hot Tub Boat Company has not availed a report on how they are going to execute their plans in future and what the customers should expect in time to come.

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Target Audience/Research

We are looking actually for young people as well as older people, because every age group like having fun, therefore age is not a limiting factor. However, our major concern is young people between the age of 15-35 who are outgoing and like fun. Our target group is also people with sufficient income or those who can get someone to sponsor them. The fascinating thing about our audience is that it is inclusive and therefore it gives us high target population. Our target audience are both people who live in the United State of America and visitors from other countries who would like to rent our boats for fun. We call our audience fun lovers because they understand the importance of having fun especially using boats. At the same time, they would not use poor quality boats just because they want to have fun. We have to keep in mind that there are many competitors in the market and they can easily switch to others if services offered by Hot Tub Boats company do not meet their expectations. We accessed the information about our target customer from the previous research that have been carried out by the company.

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We will carry market analysis research to get more information on our target population. This research will help the creative team to identify the population that has not been reached by Hot Tub Boats company. The market research will also help us to identify our main target, their specific location and their tastes and preferences when it comes to the kind of boat they enjoy using. The Hot Tub Boats company should consider the companies within the U.S.A who would like to take their employees out for fun to get relieved from organizational stress and monotony of staying in office. This potential population group if targeted and reached could increase the number of customers that use the boats regularly. Another potential population group that Hot Tub Boats company should reach is wedding couples who can choose their boats as one of the ways of having fun. Therefore, the company should reach these groups that are not targeted to increase customers.

Tone of Voice/Benefits

The tone of our campaign will be experiencing comfort, relaxation and revolving scene. The reason for using this tone is because our customers’ main aim is to have fun. The impact of these two words – “exciting and enjoyable” on the customer will be great and they will prefer using our services. With proper execution of the plan on market examination survey/research, the target population is determined and thus the campaign has the right direction to follow. It will determine the people who mostly rent or purchase hot tub boats and the likely trends in their purchasing and renting in the future. The campaign will also inform those with less awareness of the company’s products and services and is likely to boost the profits as the customers will want to know more about the company’s products and services they offer and will want to test. Obviously, the boats sold are beautiful, quick and very easy to steer. In fact, the description of the boats in the campaign will be “extraordinary” while the services provided by Hot Tub Boats Company are “amazing” The campaign will explain the plans of the company to their customers in the future which will make them feel valued and thus they will want to maintain their relationships of trust and fidelity with the company.

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In the process of project execution, the campaign will bring out the flexibility in the use of hot tub boats which are easy to propel. The purchase price of the boats and their renting prices are very low and ensure that the prices are customer friendly. The company thus allows the customer to save money and enjoy, have fun and reduce job related stress and other types of stress. Boats riding also provide the best way of life ensuring that young people are prevented from being involved in illegal and unethical activities which might harm their development as they mature. The campaign will also tend to bring out the happiness obtained from riding the hot tub boats. As a recreation activity, most people will tend to visit the place when they are idle, or are bored with other activities and want to relax. The slogan of the campaign will be “have fun before you age”. Considering that the campaign aims at reaching out the young people, the slogan will attract more people and will be eager to actualize and test the feasibility of the slogan by visiting the company’s site and purchase or rent a boat which they will definitely enjoy riding.

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Platform Strategies/Images

We will advertise the boats and company using TV by creating videos of people having fun in the boat, show the quality of boats and demonstrate the safety measures that the company have taken to ensure their customers are safe in their boats. The videos will be released to local and international television broadcasting companies. The TVs will showcase the beautiful features of the boats and comfort related to the use our boats. Advertising using TV offers numerous advantages since it combines both sound, images and movement which attracts customers. Advertising boats using TV medium will have ability to communicate with population, which will attract attention, generate awareness of existence of boats for rentals from Hot Tub Boats company and develop taste and preference to potential customers. The TV ads for boats will remain in the mind of customers for long and this might result in customer to decide to try them. Television help to reach targeted audience by requesting the television station to display the advertising when the major target group for rental boats watch their favorite programs such as football since most of the youths like it. It is easier to convey the message of Hot Tub Boats company and their services to target population by only identifying when they are likely to be found watching TV.

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We will also advertise the services of Hot Tub Boat Company through the Internet. We will provide information concerning the boats, our prices, availability and quality of our boats and post it on the Internet where target population can easily access it. We will also come up with a short video showing people enjoying using the boats, demonstration of quality of boats and post it on the Internet. The target population can watch our videos and read information concerning our services. The reason for choosing Internet as our platform for advertising boat service is because our major target audience are youth who regularly use Internet. Internet ads can be viewed by millions of people worldwide for long hours since ads last both day and night and do not only get displayed on specific time. Internet advertising also helps to reach specific target audience by putting the ads to youth related websites such as football website and video game website. These are the websites that our target audience access regularly and therefore they can easily learn more about the company services and boat riding. The Internet has an advantage of receiving feedback from customers about their feelings on our boat services and this can help us to know what to improve and what we should remove to fit our customers expectation.

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We will also use social media to advertise our services since most of our target audience can be regularly found on social media. We will post fascinating videos and information on boat riding services offered by Hot Tub Boats company in Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp groups. Social media advertising is less expensive than other means of advertising since you do not have to pay anything for posting information about boat services. It also helps to reach our specific target audience since you can post a video about the boats and its fascinating feature to a specific WhatsApp group for youth for the case of boat services. Social media will also increase our brand visibility since there are several social media platforms where we can post the information meaning high number of our target audience are likely to see.


The campaign will be a huge success if applied as developed. It will double the customers or even triple them. The combination of attractive tone and customer oriented services will surely persuade customer to use the company’s boats for recreation. With the campaign being based on a recreational company whose goal is to ensure that people enjoy their free time and weekends, there is high chance that the campaign will work and the plan will be a success. Considering the urge young people possess when it comes to recreational activities, a well and clearly developed market survey will ensure that proper data is obtained to determine the users of the hot tub boats and those who will be targeted in order to ensure they enjoy the services of Hot Tub Boats Company. The tone with which to enter the campaign with is the creation of how great and extraordinary products and services of Hot Tub Boats Company are; the happiness they instill in the customers feeling and the excitement they come with. The slogan we will develop as the campaigning agency creates a picture of beauty in the minds of very many young people. They will have questions like; what is the beauty in those boats? Why should we enjoy them before we age? And definitely, the immediate answer will be let’s visit the place or maybe make a reservation and book a hot tub boat.

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Precisely, our approach is very feasible. First of all, the use of social media, internet, TV and radio will get to a very large population of very many young youths who are believed to be like always glued to these platforms. Secondly, considering the target group is the young people who are obviously in love with recreational activities the campaign will definitely be very applicable. Lastly, with the competence of the team and the enthusiasm in them, the slogan developed and the right tone to describe and place the picture of the hot tub boats in peoples’ minds, the project will definitely be a success.

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