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Radiologist Technician

Free «Radiologist Technician» Essay Sample


Radiologist technicians play a critical role in performing chest-X-rays. In essence, this process involves the utilization of regulated amount of radiation to create images of structure that reflect one’s chest. It involves appropriate presentation of every detail of the defined body part. The X-ray works on the principle of varied thickness of the body tissues. As a result, each tissue permits distinct penetration of radiation waves. A chest-X-ray is vital in the treatment of many diseases. There are lung pathologies, such as Tuberculosis infection and Bronchitis that utilize the strategy to attain effective results. Doctors obtain knowledge regarding the pathogenesis of the condition. Consequently, they can make appropriate recommendations. The following paper explores the procedure and detailed anatomical presentation of chest-X-rays of patients with Tuberculosis and Bronchitis.


When a patient seeks Chest X-Ray services from a radiologist, a technician welcomes an individual and briefly informs him/her concerning the procedure. He/she makes an inquiry whether a person is pregnant. This is done because the procedure poses possible risks of radiation exposure to a baby. He/she also inquires if one has an insulin pump. Prior to the procedure, the technician requests one to remove top attires. Consequently, he/she can wear hospital gowns. Other accessories, such glasses and hair pins must also be removed because they can block the image’s formation. Subsequently, a technician will request a client to take a position, according to location of the machine. Moreover, he/she will cover the person with a lead shield. Its function is to protect one’s pelvic organs from radioactive exposure. He/she will then seek proper position that highlights best images. He will take a posterior-Anterior and lateral view of lungs. In the PA, a patient will stand with hands on his/her hips. In a few seconds, the X-rays will be passed through the body. However, in the lateral view, one will be required to make a turn aside. He will have to raise the hands up, with shoulders rolled forward. One must be candid to inform the technician regarding any form of discomfort that he/she might feel. It will be vital that one holds the breath to avoid blurring the image. It is vital to note that plan takes approximately from 20 to 30 minutes.

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Pertinent Anatomy for the TB patient

The radiologist technician will seek to highlight pertinent structural parts of lungs that could indicate Tuberculosis. Lungs are a respiratory organ that that has the trachea, which acts as the windpipe by conducting air into the inhaled lungs. It has tubular branches called bronchi. They further divide into smaller segment called bronchioles. Inside the lobule, there are alveoli. Chest X-ray is often done when microscopic findings are positive. In the presence of Mycobacterium bacteria in the lungs, radiologist will make pertinent reports. First, he/she will notice tubercles cavities in either of the lungs’ lobes. He will have interest on the particular lobes and the extent of occurrence. His focus will be on lung tissues. They will be distinct from the normal anatomy of lung tissues. In fact, the tubercle bacilli will be eminent. In some instances, they occur like cavity-like lesions. The radiologist will also seek to find out the extent of damage of the pleura. It is the cavity that encloses lungs. Mycobacterium Tuberculosis has the ability to invade the semi-permeable membrane and create pores. The formation of tubercles within the lung tissues is a sure indication of TB. The size of lung lobules is also a key area of focus. The bacteria have the ability to infiltrate the lobules, leading to their distortion.

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Pertinent Anatomy for Bronchitis

Bronchitis involves the inflammation of the bronchi that are the branches of lungs. In essence, the condition has a lot of relations to pneumonia. Consequently, in carrying out the X-Ray, the radiologist will seek to rule out other infections. He will focus on the anatomical feature of lungs. X-ray images will reveal no evidence of infiltrates or consolidates of lung lobules. The presence of such structure could point to pneumonia. However, the focus on the chest will reveal an increase in the diameter of antero-posterior segment. Moreover, the diaphragm will also appear flat and lower. The sternum will appear elevated. The bronchi will particularly exhibit a different anatomical structure. It will have elements of inflammation. The bronchial walls will also indicate hypertrophy. In other words, they will be enlargened. Moreover, the radiologist will also seek to focus on the lung tissues. Hypertrophy also occurs when the goblet cells increase. Proper imaging will indicate inclination of the right and left lobes of lungs.

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Reporting/Release of Patient

After accomplishing the X-Ray task, the radiologist will take some time to process the image. In fact, the patient will have to wait for few minutes for their compilation. He will seek to ensure that the images produced are clear and can be interpreted by the radiological doctor. In case of any ambiguous section, he/she will have to repeat the process. Upon finishing, the radiologist will forward the results to the patient and request him/her to take it to the reviewing doctor. He/she will wish him/her a good day and quick recovery. In essence, the radiologist technician can only perform the procedure. It is the duty of the physician to interpret and explain results to a patient.


The above presented discussion reveals the role of a radiologist technician in performing chest-X-Ray. It is evident that the right preparation of a patient is necessary. The radiologist must also have defined areas of focus, according to the pathology of the disease. It is because a patient should not repeat the procedure, unless the results lack the needed clarity.

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