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Ethical Dilemma

Free «Ethical Dilemma» Essay Sample

Ethics is a well-based standard of what is right and wrong that stipulates what humans have to do in terms of obligations, benefits, evenhandedness or explicit intrinsic worth (Tarvydas & Cottone, 2000). Without ethics, it would be impossible to differentiate between humans and other creatures except for their looks. The code of ethics is therefore delineation of organization’s mission, values and the level of professionalism of its workforce in approaching issues (Reid & McReynolds, 2007).

The Principle(s) That are Compromised

The Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification has developed a code of ethics based on five major principles that include: autonomy, ability to make an independent assessment, non-malfeasance meaning doing well and no harm to others, justice and impartiality ensuring eminence and justice for everyone, fidelity implying being loyal, honest and keeping promise to others, and  finally, the principle of veracity, honesty and truthfulness (Tarvydas & Cottone,2000). From the analytic point of view, three of these principles have been greatly compromised in the case described below.

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A dilemma is a typical representation of the violation of the principles of the CRCC Code of Ethics. For example, in case of a drunkard who is never rational in his or her thoughts, autonomy is compromised. The principles guiding humanity are said to be beyond his or her reach, since such people cannot do what they want, but they are rather ruled and controlled by the same drink that they believe awakens and alerts them. As such, thoughts, beliefs and decision making of the person in question are under the influence of alcohol compromising the CRCC principle of autonomy.


The principle of non-malfeasance requires people to do not only good but also no harm to others, and thus this principle very demanding, and just a few committed fellows can follow it (Tarvydas & Cottone, 2000). Doing well to others requires a sober state of mind, a prerequisite a drunkard will never easily achieve. Therefore, people conclude that the conduct and behavior of the alcoholic undermine the standing of beneficence compromising the principle of non-malfeasance.

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Veracity in simple terms means truthfulness, precision or simply correctness and carefulness in one’s course of action (Tarvydas & Cottone, 2000). Therefore, the principle veracity most likely necessitates or requires abstemiousness. However, the case scenario in question is a direct opposite of the required attributes since accuracy, precision or correctness have proven quite a challenge for the states of mind of an alcoholic, compromising the principle.

Specific CRCC or ACA Codes that Provide Guidance

The sole reason why the codes of ethics are in place is the provision of guidance to professionals (Reid & McReynolds, 2007). They act as a mirror that reflects the individuals’ past and present being in a position to predict what makes the future. Specific CRCC and ASA codes that provide guidance include the following analyzed below.

Professional-Client Relationships

The code requires everything to be conducted in a professional manner. The client is a priority and should always be treated with utmost care, but without compromising other codes (Reid & McReynolds, 2007). Professional responsibility and competence requires all professionals to be well informed of their specific duties as pertains to customer service and to be able to perform them with a higher level of competency.

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Confidentiality, Privilege, Communication, and Privacy

These aspects ensure that client information is never accessed or passed to a third party. Concerning continual learning and knowledge accumulation, the code calls for a regular evaluation and assessment of employees’ work and ability. Research-based studies and publications are quite encouraged as they form a backbone of quality work and clientele service (Reid & McReynolds, 2007).

A Decision Making Model

The eventual decision-making model to be followed in finding a decision includes a five-step structure that is based on the given dilemma. In such cases, the best model to be followed is a clinical model that is solution-based and provides necessary steps in making a decision (Byrne, 2010).

Decision Making Steps

Decision-making steps to be followed in this model include the following:

  • Problem identification. In this case, it will be first important to identify the main problem. The colleague has issues with substance abuse, alcoholism and coming to work late. Identifying the problem is the basis for making an eventual decision.
  • Taking into account the significance of the setting and context. After identifying the problem, it is important to understand that the latter has a genesis. The state of the colleague can be a reaction to other external pressure. Therefore, it would be vital to identify to whose of the close members of the colleague to talk over the issue and the consequences that may arise because of talking to the third party.
  • Utilizing and identifying legal and ethical aspects. The most vital aspect to consider next is what the given code of conduct states about the standards required for a peer specialist (Byrne, 2010). Major decisions and repercussions that are likely to be faced by the colleague as a result of his actions will majorly be drawn from the given Codes of Conduct.
  • Considering personal values and beliefs. At this step, it would be vital to put personal values and beliefs into consideration to solve the issue. There are certain decisions that may arise as per one’s belief such as informing the relevant authority within the organization of the colleague’s conduct; but within the context of the situation, it is important to consider if those beliefs or values will help or make matters worse.
  • Creating a possible solution to the problem. For every dilemma, there is a solution for a way out. Therefore, this step gives a platform based on which possible solutions can be developed towards finding an efficient decision. Informing the colleague of his responsibility as a specialist and advising on a rehabilitation service can be some of the proposed solutions to the problem (Byrne, 2010).

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