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Leadership Style

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Leadership revolves around the development of skills and accumulation of knowledge necessary for guiding and directing people. Therefore, it is a research and practical field applicable to organizations or individuals in guiding teams. Global agencies depend on leadership in the achievement of their milestones and objectives. The primary aim is setting the direction through mapping out activities and functions. Leadership is associated with different aspects, including the initiation of training, motivational aspects, and the creation of a vision among others that facilitates the realization of organizational goals on the example of transformational leadership.

Training and Experience

Organizations require good leadership to achieve goals and objectives. Such organizations are more productive, competitive, and open to change. Leadership incorporates the aspects of training and experience in developing effective traits and abilities. The capacity of the leader to deal with the competitive environment is measured by the improvements recorded in productivity and performance of an organization (Singh, Burgess, & Heap, 2016). As a learned process, leadership also entails the aspects of beliefs, values, and character in managing the roles and responsibilities. Thus, leaders are expected to be honest and have an in-depth understanding of who they are and what they can do. The business environment is exposed to various loopholes where at times leadership has been viewed as a way of oppressing the followers. The manner in which a leader carries out the mandate determines the perception and attitude developed by the workforce. Transformational leaders motivate and inspire followers hence the development of appropriate attitude and perception. Different issues such as psychological changes may impact the ability of a leader to manage leadership functions effectively.

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Guiding and directing followers is a hard task. Different groups of people require different manners of directing them. Communication is an essential element in reaching out to the interests of a workforce. For example, a new workforce requires more supervision as compared to the experienced workforce. Therefore, it is the leader’s job to detect the needs and concerns of each group for a better approach. The provision of appropriate guidance and direction depends on communication. A two-way communication mechanism is suitable for leadership (Kabalo, 2015). Leadership should entail listening to the followers and not just giving orders without identifying their impact on the followers. It allows the workers speaking up about their issues and the leaders taking the right approach to addressing the problems highlighted. Leadership integrates the aspect of helping followers understand the critical business strategy.


Leaders build an exciting organizational vision meant to initiate growth in the future. The virtue and value of a leader are anchored in his/her capacity to stir growth through the actualization of the vision and guidance for members of the organization in ways of implementing various facets of the projections. The essence of leadership entails incorporation of a vision. The creation of an excellent corporate vision is established when the workers can connect to it and take active roles in the implementation phase (James & Lahti, 2011). The leader develops appropriate strategies and approaches capable of meeting organizational goals. Good leaders create a vision and devise ways of achieving the set vision. Creation of a powerful vision depends on the leaders’ ability to believe in the mission and goals. The same spirit characterizing the leaders flows to the workforce who work and direct their efforts towards the realization of the vision. Leader’s ability to organize the staff for the accomplishment of the vision sets a dynamic drive for high employee performance. Organizational vision is composed of direction and purpose as well as reflection of culture, values and beliefs. It also aids the workforce in believing they are a part of something bigger than themselves hence developing commitment and enthusiasm.

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Motivation and Inspiration

Motivation and inspiration are leadership tasks deemed critical in any business environment. The ability to inspire and motivate is a social skill any leader is capable of developing. Everything a leader does impacts the workforce in various ways, he can both motivate and demotivate. The act of leaders taking time to assess how the workers are doing and encouraging them generates motivation. Regular communication with the employees keeps them motivated and inspired since they feel that their interests and demands are being taken into consideration (Kabalo, 2015). At times, employees working with various media organizations fear for their lives while covering social issues, such as exposing cartels. Threats and abusive statements directed at the employees may demotivate them in managing their roles. Therefore, it is the task of the leader to motivate and inspire them as a way of creating a conducive work environment.


Coaching and building workforce capacity are essential approaches towards achieving the objectives. Leaders act as coaches facilitating personal and professional growth. Training followers on organizational expectations falls under the mandate of corporate leaders (Kouzes & Posner, 2012). For example, a new workforce in television industry may require coaching for better service delivery. The sector requires an excellent image meant to appeal to the viewers. Thus, leaders have an enormous task of ensuring the employees are equipped with relevant skills and knowledge. Team building aspects, such as building trust, easing conflicts, and increased collaboration, act as innovative approaches (Muchtar & Qamariah, 2014). Excellent work relationships are evident when a workforce is exposed to aspects such as trust and management of conflicts during team building exercises.

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Capacity to Handle Conflicts

Leadership incorporates the element of leading by example. Leaders act as good role models through the different traits and characteristics displayed in the workplace. Undoubtedly, the organizational leadership model is initiated within the organizational setting to guide leaders. The leadership model avails an opportunity for integrity and fairness. Leaders set clear goals and ascertain the high expectations expected from the workforce. Transformational leaders encourage the followers and provide support and recognition for overall organizational productivity (Muchtar & Qamariah, 2014). Such leaders are not only interested in the professional growth of the followers but also personal growth. For example, a transformational leader in a media company aims at providing excellent delivery of news through educating the workers on the various ways of collecting authentic information. Additionally, the same process allows the workers to build a long-term relationship with the community. Interaction with the community members when collecting information determines the development of sustainable relationships or damaged relations. Thus, transformational leaders influence the followers by insights stimulating their professional and personal growth. For example, if a supervisor often scolds workers because of hitches cutting across delays in relaying events and news coverage, demotivation becomes an emerging issue. Workers will feel less important in the workplace and reduced productivity is likely to be witnessed. Notably, a leaders’ ability in dealing with workplace issues such as conflicts determine if the employees will emulate them or not. For example, if a leader always initiates excellent strategies and successfully ends conflicts, a good role model prevails. Therefore, for a leader, adequate management of workplace conflicts impacts the workers positively since they emulate the strategies put in place to end wrangles. Therefore, leaders should utilize vital approaches when addressing issues associated with the workforce.

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Social Responsibility

Leadership entails pressure to deliver organizational mandate. Despite the requirement to meet the objectives, it is necessary recognizing that the end may not always justify the means. However, ethical and socially responsible techniques are expected of leaders. The element of corporate social responsibility entails actions initiated in the handling of the interests of stakeholders (Ditlev‐Simonsen, 2010). Organizations are characterized by primary and secondary stakeholders whose interests and concerns the leaders should adequately address. The environment and the broader community are significant areas of interest in corporate responsibility. Therefore, leaders should ensure they take socially conscious and principle-centered actions capable of addressing the needs and interests of the stakeholders. For example, organizations directly involved in journalism are required to avail information (news) in line with the expectations of the community. That is, the scenes and events covered should not potentially harm the beliefs and norms of the people. Adherence to corporate social responsibility is adequately attained through transformational leadership. Such leaders create a vision inspiring for the workforce and other stakeholders, as well as adequate supervision of the employees (Kouzes & Posner, 2012). The great motivation and inspiration directed at the workers allows the organization to fulfill the obligations to all the stakeholders.

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Organizational Culture

The corporate culture is a strong determinant of the leadership styles. Leaders manage their roles and responsibilities guided by the organizational culture (Muchtar & Qamariah, 2014). The set of values, beliefs, and vision statements determine the mandate of leaders. These concepts are outlined within the corporate culture with strict adherence required among leaders. Leaders are in the position of shaping the culture and fostering elements of change to ensure the elimination of procedures that lead to inefficiency. The leader models the best behavior and offers guidance for employees to follow as exemplified by an aspect such as timekeeping where the leader could be the first to arrive at the office and the last to leave.

Trust-Based Relationships within the Organizational Setting

Leaders are expected to develop trust-based relationships with the workforce. Employees are expected to have the interests of the organization at heart. Leaders stir the emotions of the followers enabling them to behave appropriately. Organizational growth is determined by the ability of the followers to put aside their self-interest and focus on the interests of the organization (Ditlev‐Simonsen, 2010). Inspiration from transformational leaders stimulates workers to put more significant efforts into meeting objectives. The relationships create a favorable environment where employees focus on delivering excellent results.

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Leadership is an important element in organizations. Leaders provide direction and guidance to followers for attaining the established vision. The vision and corporate social responsibility aspects are areas to which leaders should pay attention. Communication and development of trust-based relationships between leaders and workers is vital within the work environment. Notably, coaching and team building exercises allows leaders to effectively impact the workers with essential skills and knowledge. Adherence to organizational culture sets the leaders on the path towards success and growth. Thus, leadership incorporates a wide range of aspects, such as creation of an excellent vision and ensuring regular communication between leaders and the workforce as the means of improving productivity and increasing the involvement of employees in the operations of an organization.

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