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Security Assessment

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Security is one of the main requisites of any corporation in order to organize the activities effectively. Security is a significant factor, especially in the process of mitigating vulnerability of a person, community, nation, dwelling, or organization against a possible looming disaster. The term refers to the extent of resistance to or protection from any form of harm. In fact, contemporary business organizations must be equipped with up-to-date surveillance systems in order to guarantee safety of members and properties. An institution can be perceived to have adequate and effective security laws in case it has properly laid down structures to curb the menace. The current security situation calls for the need of a company to have effective safety mechanism structures. Application of the policy mechanisms helps mitigate multivariate cases of incidences of insecurity.

Traditionally, insecurity is deemed to affect situations mostly in a physical manner (Kaldor, 2006). However, with the recent spurring rate of technological growth, there have been increased chances of incurring massive data losses as a result of the advanced level of crimes. The new forms of misconduct are related to information technology. Currently, there are numerous cases of crimes related to the data application and protection sector. As a result, the companies have established new plans in order to curb the ever rising cases of cyber related offenses. In fact, any well-organized group of hackers can diminish the level of security in the information sector. Consequently, a number of initiatives have been developed to increase surveillance of the communication technology industry. For instance, a strategy of combating the cyber related crimes to reduce the insecurity is a necessary step for organizations. One of the tools is a system of scanning that is perceived to be independent, which assesses the current level of security. Moreover, technological devices can evaluate whether actions are authorized or not. In addition, a verification process can secure various technological gadgets such as the laptops, mobile phones, and various computer-based workstations. Therefore, it is clear that insecurity is a terminology that has a wide meaning as more fields are being invented.

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Technological insecurity is one of the new forms of contemporary issues that have become rampant. The problem has made the concerned parties consider strategizing on how to overhaul security surveillance system that will be responsible for controlling the traditional and contemporary forms of attacks (Kaldor, 2006). The process of multifaceted transformation is occurring at an accelerated rate, thereby acting as an avenue for more forms of insecurities. The paper will determine various factors and situations that act as an interplay in determining level of organization’s security.

The Responsibilities and Authority of the Security Function in the Corporate Infrastructure

The Security Function

One of the most important functional bodies within an organization is the security protection, as it assures employees of their safety and preserves valuable data. For instance, it helps regulate and mitigate the rate of intrusion, as well as entrance of thieves as they pose perpetual threats to businesses (Klandermans & Vuuren, 2009). Consequently, maintenance of effective security should the high priority for institutions. One of the physical security procedures that should be embraced is encouraging employees to put on badges whenever they are at work. Moreover, they should be required to set alarms and lock doors each time they enter or exit their working premises. On the other hand, the business organization should consider creating an appropriate protection system that will regulate computer-related security matters. The suggestion is to require the employees to change their password on a more periodic basis. Avoiding regular opening of personal accounts in workstation should also be a policy. However, the lack of motivation can discourage employees to stringent whenever any security protocol is announced or made (Kolo & Dauda, 2008). Therefore, an organization needs to create an award system that would motivate members to seal any loopholes they identify. The awards will act as a motivator that would encourage employees to become vigilant with regard to mitigating cases of intrusion, burglary, and theft at the work station.

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Based on the aforementioned factors, it is clear that the security function has a set of responsibilities that improves the corporate infrastructure of the organization. The roles of security department are delineated and classified into specific factors, which include describing, selecting, and recognizing effective maintenance of the organization’s administration (Klandermans & Vuuren, 2009). Moreover, the security administration controls a number of issues and employs different tools in an organization. Therefore, the corporations recognize that there is a need to have a comprehensive policy to address security matters in a broad way instead of concentrating on protection of the computers only. Finally, the security policy should entail various activities that are deemed important in the rest of the organization. Thus, workstation configuration, building of easily accessible protection programs, and encompassing the logon procedures should be encouraged (Paratian & Dasgupta, 2005).

The organization’s security system seeks at understanding various factors and connecting them to the mission and vision. The goals include seeking an understanding of the stakeholders and their interconnection during working time. Moreover, the organization should evaluate the future impacts of the current trends of industry and potential threats. It is also requisite to assess accurate or real state of the security level in an organization (Kolo & Dauda, 2008). The protection department should evaluate competitiveness factors that lead to changes of security. Finally, the response to the changes in the environment should trigger the security system adaptations. Therefore, the organization should evaluate the level of contribution that the security has in the world.

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Policies, Procedures and Responsibilities

The combination of security policies and procedures should form a list of guidelines, which best prescribes the responsibilities of the security department within the organization. The duties include designating a director to be in charge of the developing and administering, scriptures of security programs of different sections within an organization (Kolo & Dauda, 2008). For instance, the security director should be able to increase design specific security line ups for each department, office, facility, or function of the organization.

Firstly, the program should be developed in a manner that defines guidelines as quality care standards. Secondly, the security officer’s unit should take responsibility of reporting various matters relating to organization’s security in a succinct manner to the director in charge of the education. The position of security director is perceived to be an executive position. Moreover, the director of education should have clearly defined roles. Principally, he is in charge of ensuring the approval of strategies that ensure proper identification of people that are held responsible for prosecution of certain crimes soon after they are identified (Kolo & Dauda, 2008). Briefly, the security personnel may have a range of activities that clearly define their functions. The major duty is the provision of personnel security. Workforce safety entails holding of security clearance programs in addition to initiating background investigation plan. The second most important role that the personnel play is handling procedural security (Sverke, 2005). Thus, the employee handles sensitive and important material and transfers such data to appropriate site before addressing crimes that may occur in various forms. Some types of data should be handled with particular care, as it presents personal identification, sensitive information or company strategic positions. In case such data sets appear in public use, the corporation can lose its competitive advantage.

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On the other hand, the security director is in charge of carrying out extensive investigation of any act that is suspected to have violated harmonious coexistence of workers in an organization. The director also carries out maintenance of the intrusion devices, where cameras and alarms are used to record activities that are deemed to be a threat to the organization. Moreover, he/she maintains a record where he/she notes various crimes that are committed and attempted in order to avert losses potentially incurred by an institution.

Moreover, the organization’s director is usually in charge of maintaining and developing an effective plan that addresses any latent threat towards the organization. Designing a strategy that help in maintenance and repair of security devices is another important role that is played by the security directors (Paratian & Dasgupta, 2005). Furthermore, he/she is in charge of forming an appropriate control system of various electronic devices in the organization. Also, he/she maintains and designs the most suitable gadgets for keeping files safe. The security personnel can restrict members of the organization from accessing certain areas. The director also carries out development of appropriate guard orders. Moreover, he establishes useful programs that are deemed important for the provision of the unit security personnel. Other duties of the director include responsibility for the development, administration, and implementation of an appropriate program to protect the executives. Finally, the director establishes, maintains, and supervises various operations that are carried out by the employees.

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Regarding the personnel preparation, the security director provides periodic training for the employees on how they can protect themselves from external aggressions. Moreover, the security department establishes and supervises the implementation of training programs relating proper security hand lance. Secondly, the personnel are to carry out a periodic survey to assess the level of disaster preparedness of the organization in the wake of any security threat. Thirdly, they are also expected to control the organization’s guard forces, maintain the record of names and titles of the various law enforcement officers. In order to receive and review various reports that are related to curbing criminal actions suspected to occur within the organization. Fourthly, they handle interests of the institutions after any attempt of a crime, maintain liaison with the security officer in charge of enforcing law, and conduct internal investigation of various security matters. The security director should submit the program of security evaluation to the board of directors on an annual basis (Mellado, 2013). Apart from the aforementioned functions, he/she also coordinates appearances of the organization’s personnel in eventuality of any court proceedings. Moreover, the security directors are in charge of researching, developing, and testing the various aspects of the business resumption strategy and disaster recovery management. Lastly, they are responsible for the maintenance of a master copy pertaining to various security programs within the primary work places. Upon protecting the programs, the security personnel are expected to duplicate a master copy of the document in his residential place or any other places perceived to be appropriate.

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Corporate Business Strategy and the Security Strategic Plan

The management approaches to a corporate business and strategic arrangements are the two functions, which require adequate and effective application of the development strategies. In order to improve the two roles, the quality security plans are required. They should be composed of six key strategies, which determine the level of expected success upon implementation of various business plans (Klandermans & Vuuren, 2009). The six crucial elements are simplicity, connection of business to its core values, passion or planning speed, core competence, implementation, and communication.


Simplicity refers to the strategic direction that aims at brainstorming the ideas for planning team to understand easily. The simplicity element calls for implementation of an elevator speech. The term refers to a succinct summary that runs for about 60 seconds and is deemed short, motivating, and easy to understand. In the company security framework, the speech is usually directed towards addressing the alarming matters and concerns of the organization (Sverke, 2005). Therefore, it takes a holistic view of the security situation in the organization. The main objective is to address all matters in simple terms in order to assess the condition of enterprise in various security matters. In short, holistic security works as completely integrated segment of system of the organization.

Connection to the Values

One of the prominent assumptions is that the sum of organizational systems needs more assessment than each part separately. Some of the systems include technology, information, processes, and the employees working in the respective organization. Therefore, the holistic approach considers the values and strategies of the corporation before making the decisions. For example, the holistic approach requires strengthening safety of the organization during converging security silos. The benefits of the appropriate use of the holistic framework can only be realized through application and effective understanding of various security segments (Nolutshungu, 2006). Moreover, the impact of various security matters apropos of performances of the company should be assessed. Likewise, the organization should evaluate ways that will optimize the budget while mitigating the issues.

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Moreover, the organization should seek to connect security activities to its core values (Kolo & Dauda, 2008). Translation of corporate values to the tactical decisions increases the general security of the company. Finally, core competence of the organization is another factor that helps increase security. It determines the general strategies, practices, and activities that improve condition of the company in terms of data security.

Planning Speed

In addition to enhancing the simplicity of the operations, the stakeholders are to seek the increasing passion or emotional energy of the organization. The corporations should allocate accelerated rate of adapting and planning when it comes to security. The quick strategic adjustments help the organizations to restructure the safety of the company in time.


Additionally, proper implementation of safety strategies and integration of departments is crucial factor in assuring security. In fact, the process of introducing security strategies is the major step in implementation. Basically, an effective organizational implementation plan entails inclusion of several crucial steps. The security department has to start with action plans, and then assign the responsibilities, accountability, and authority. The following action is to monitor different activities of the organization. All the aforementioned steps are integral requisite for the proper implementation of security plans in the organization.


Strategic approach to communication helps to improve the information sharing conduit that employs multiple methods of coding and decoding. Consequently, chain of stakeholders in the organization can use secure channels. The approach ensures that presence of effective leadership that can tackle various insecurity issues in a more strategic manner. The first step that is deemed important during the process of creating an effective method of communication is building of a communication plan. Moreover, understanding of the chosen communication channels, and application of appropriate techniques of packaging are the following procedures. The stakeholders should clearly define goals, identify critical tactics, and establish communication objectives. The abovementioned strategies are significant during the process of creating an effective security plan for the company.

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Proper and effective communication strategy defines success rate of the organization on different levels. It helps to create harmonious conduit that can be used to curb different forms of threats. Professional ways of communication increases the organizational level of surveillance and data control. A clear and succinct implementation of such strategy is defines success of the organization (Nolutshungu, 2006). Proper implementation of various communication strategies and control improves the process of converging security of the organization. Moreover, it is significant in managing various interdepartmental risks that arise on a regular basis. Converging of security is more important during the process of forming an interlinked structure of various departments in any organization.

Description of Risk Assessment and Security Assessment to Protect Posture

Assessment of security and management of various risks are the two processes that are deemed significant as they hasten the process of faster implementation of various projects that occur within the organization. A well-planned security strategy is expected to provide proper and effective documentation, thus, forming an outline that depicts the security gaps. Most of the security gaps exist between approved policies of corporate securities and project designs. Therefore, management helps to address various security gaps that exist in various forms. The assessment of the management process may give recommendation to cancel the project.

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Traditionally, security has only been given optimal attention and consideration during the process of planning in any stage of the project cycle. Proper implementation of security assessment procedure is deemed important as it sets various aspects. For example, having a lucid implementation plan for all departments within an organization is an essential step to success. An operative process of security assessment is important particularly during the process of determining whether it is feasible for various processes to be implemented. Moreover, it provides an appropriate analysis of an approved policy.

Security assessment program can be conducted through cooperative implementation of two processes, which are project initiation and information discovery. During the process of initiation, proposals of new projects are reviewed through the use of applicable security channels. Soon after, the next process entails information discovery process (Mellado, 2013). In the step, appropriate control system of security should be accomplished through use of different methods.

As a result, security assessment is important in maintaining a good risk-control posture. The analysis is usually made part of policies that help to maintain the organization’s security. Thus, it provides credible and consistent report that is in line the overhaul organizational activities. Contemporary security policies are deployed in order to create an encouraging environment for the project managers, the organization’s team, and the human resource in order to reduce the risk rate. Briefly, the team that is responsible for maintenance of security ought to be declared part of the suite. Furthermore, various security policies must be designed in a manner that the entire organization’s posture is well represented. Different methodologies should be deemed as requirements during the whole process of assessing the security of the organization. However, there are three major steps of carrying out the aforementioned assessment. The first is reviewing level of unit customer in the business. Secondly, projection coordination is required. The final step is the creation of an information security conduit.

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