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Category: Informative

Childhood: Questions and Answers
What is the general food timeline for a child in the first two years? In the first two years of growth, children consume soft food other than breast milk ...
Nervous Systems
Human brain is an important part of the nervous system, and it is responsible for different actions of organism. Different parts of the brain control different ...
Deep Sea Drilling Accidents
Introduction The deep sea drilling is the process of gas and oil exploration. There are approximately 3400 deepwater wells with depths more than 150 meters in...
The Extraterrestrial Life in the Solar System
Scientists conduct a targeted search for alien life in the Solar System and beyond since the second half of the 20th century. According to current scientific un...
3. In Greek and Roman myths, warriors often display heroic traits of character. They are often courageous and fearless, but even these brave heroes have some hu...
The Colosseum
Architecture played a central role in the Roman period of ancient art. Romanian monuments are still conquering the imagination of tourists with their beauty and...
Religion in India
India is an ancient country that is characterized by national, cultural, and religious diversity. Religions with the largest number of followers are Hinduism, I...
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